Insurance Act 2079


Estimated reading: 1 minute 80 views

(Related to Section 11 and Sub-section (6) of Section 47)

Form of Oath

I (full name of the concerned Chairman or Member) …………………………. do solemnly promise/swear in the name of God that I will faithfully and faithfully bear the country and the people and faithfully and faithfully bear the Constitution of Nepal, in which the sovereignty of Nepal and the state power of Nepal reside in the Nepalese people, and that I will perform the duties of the position of Chairman/Member of the Board of Directors of Nepal Insurance Authority/(Name of Insurance Company) …………………. in the interest of the country and the people, without fear of anyone, without favouritism, prejudice or ill will, and honestly and honestly maintain the secrecy of the office.

Date:                                                          Signature:

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