Chapter-12 Provisions Relating to Occupation Safety and Health

Section 77: Direction to stop the work

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 9 views

1) Where it appears from the inspection or any other source that there exists a ground that an immediate danger has arisen or is likely to arise in the safety and health of the labour or other person in the workplace of any enterprise, the Office may give direction to the employer to immediately stop the work in such a workplace.

2) A direction to be issued pursuant to sub-section (1) shall set out, inter alia, the reason and ground why such danger has so arisen.

3) While issuing the direction pursuant to sub-section (1), the Office may, if it appears that it is not appropriate to operate or use any equipment in the workplace, issue an order forbidding the use of such equipment, and, while so issuing the order, it may also affix a seal or Tancha on such equipment or any part of it.

4) If the Office gives direction to stop a work pursuant to sub-section (1), the employer shall immediately stop the work.

5) The employer who is not satisfied with a direction given by the Office pursuant to this Section may make an application to the Department within seven days of the receipt of such a direction.

6) The Department shall settle the application made under sub-section (5) within fifteen days. 7) It is not allowed to do the work during the period referred to in sub-section (6).

Provided that if the Office gives information during that period that any immediate threat has not arisen to the safety and health of persons, the work may be resumed.

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Section 77: Direction to stop the work

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