Chapter- 11 Provisions Relating to Supply of Labours

Section 58: Labours may be employed through supplier

Estimated reading: 1 minute 9 views

1) The Ministry shall, on the recommendation of the Council, publish a list of works in which labourers may be employed through labour suppliers by publishing a notification in the Nepal Gazette.

2) While employing labour through a labour supplier pursuant to sub-section (1), the employer shall employ him or her in any work other than the core work of the business or service.

3) While inviting or submitting any kind of proposal or tender for the purpose of supplying or causing to supply labour through a labour supplier or entering into an agreement for the supply of labour, such proposal, tender or agreement shall be invited or submitted or entered into so that the remuneration and other benefits of the labour to be supplied shall not be less than that specified in this Act.

4) Any proposal or tender invited or submitted or agreement entered into contrary to sub-section (3) shall ipso facto be invalid.

Explanation: For the purpose of this Section, “core work” means the work mentioned while establishing the business and work directly related thereto.

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Section 58: Labours may be employed through supplier

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