Chapter 20 Interim Provisions Relating To Company Advisory

Section 171 : Dissolution of Company Board

Estimated reading: 1 minute 65 views

1) The Company Board formed pursuant to Section 169 shall ipso facto be dissolved on the date on which the Government of Nepal designates the Court as referred to in this Act, by a notification published in the Nepal Gazette.

2) On the dissolution of the Company Board pursuant to Subsection (1), the appointment of the Chairperson, members and other employees serving in the Board shall ipso facto be terminated; and no compensation or additional amount shall be paid to them for such termination where any employee were disputed by other offices to the Board, their deputation shall ipso facto be terminated.

3) On the dissolution of the Company Board pursuant to Subsection (1), all cases, and petitions related thereto, filed in and under consideration of or yet to be decided by the Board under this Act shall be transferred to the Court .

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Section 171 : Dissolution of Company Board

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