1) Where an agreement or arrangement is made between the following companies whereby any company directly or indirectly provides loan or other kinds of financial assistance, pays any liability, provides guarantee or any other kind of security to another company or any other transactions other than an ordinary business transaction is done between them, it shall be deemed to be a transaction between the associated companies:

(a) Any company and its holding company;

(b) Any company and any subsidiary company of its holding company;

(c) A subsidiary company of any company and the holding company of such company;

(d) A subsidiary company of any company and another subsidiary company of its holding company.

2) Where any transactions as referred to in sub section (1) is carried on , the associated company shall give a notice on such transactions, also setting out a following details to its shareholders and the Office as soon as possible:

(a) Date of transaction and the parties involved in the transactions;

(b) Nature of transaction, and where transaction such as provision of a loan ,provision of financial assistance and furnishing security has taken place under such transaction, the amount or the value thereof.