Chapter 9 Call For Explanation And Investigation

Section 120 : Power of Office to call for explanation

Estimated reading: 1 minute 68 views

1) Where any matter is unclear in the documents submitted by a company, and such matter has to be set out or any explanation is necessary in respect of any matter, the Office may call on the company to furnish explanation on such matter within such reasonable period of time as specified by it.

2) The management of the company shall, within the specified period of time, send proper replies the specified period of time, sent proper replies to the matters with respect to which explanation has been called on pursuant to Sub-section(1).

3) If, in the course of perusing explanation, the Office notices any irregularity in the business of a company, it may give necessary directive to the company to regularise, or cause to be regularised, it, and it shall be the duty of the company to obey such directive.

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