Chapter- 2 Contracting Parties and Proposal and Consent

Section 8: Proposal or consent may be cancelled

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 97 views

1) The offerer may cancel his/her proposal through a notice.

Provided that, in case the offerer has received from the person to whom he has presented a proposal notice to the effect that he/she has approved the proposal before receiving a notice of the cancellation of the proposal, the proposal shall not be deemed to be cancelled.

2) The person to whom a proposal has been presented may cancel the proposal through a notice.

Provided that the consent shall not be cancelled in case the offerer has received the notice of consent before receiving the notice of cancellation of consent.

3) The person who has sent a notice expressing his/her refusal of a proposal may again send a notice expressing his/her consent to the proposal.

Provided that, in case the notice of refusal reaches first out of the notices of refusal or consent, the contract shall not be deemed to have been concluded. In case the notice of consent reaches first; the contract shall be deemed to have been concluded.

4) In case the notice mentioned in sub-section (1) has been sent after sending the proposal, or the notice mentioned in sub-section (2) has been sent after sending a notice of consent, or in case a notice has been sent under sub-section (3) after sending a notice of refusal shall not be deemed to have been concluded if the concerned person receives such notices at the same time.

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Section 8: Proposal or consent may be cancelled

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