Chapter- 2 Contracting Parties and Proposal and Consent

Section 12 : Contingent contracts

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 135 views

1) In case a contract has been concluded to perform or not perform any work if any event happens in the future, the contract shall not create any liability until such event happens.

2) In case a contract has been concluded subject to the condition that it shall be deemed to have been concluded in case a person performs any specified work in the future, no liability shall be deemed to have emerged from that contract if such person does anything in such a manner as not to perform that work or acts in such a manner that the work can not be performed.

3) In case a contract has been concluded to perform or not to perform any work if any uncertain event does not happen in the future, liability under that contract shall emerge only after the happening of that
an event becomes impossible.

4) In case a contract has been concluded with a provision to perform or not to perform any work if any event happens within a specified period in the future, the contract shall be deemed to have become invalid after the happening of that event becomes impossible within the specified period or after the expiring of that period.

5) In case a contract has been concluded with a provision to perform or not to perform any work if any event does not happen within a specified period in the future, liability under such contract shall emerge if that event does not happen within that period or if it becomes certain that the event will not happen within that period.

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Section 12 : Contingent contracts

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