Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075


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(Relating to sub-section (2) of Section 3)

Industries or Businesses that are not open to Foreign Investment

1. Poultry farming, fisheries, bee-keeping, fruits, vegetables, oil seeds, pulse seeds, milk industry and other sectors of primary agro-production,

2. Cottage and small industries,

3. Personal service business (hair cutting, tailoring, driving etc.),

4. Industries manufacturing arms, ammunition, bullets and shells, gunpowder or explosives, and nuclear, biological and chemical (N.B.C.) weapons; industries producing atomic energy and radioactive materials,

5. Real estate business (excluding construction industries), retail business, internal courier service, local catering service, moneychanger, remittance service,

6. Travel agency, guide involved in tourism, trekking and mountaineering guide, rural tourism including homestay,

7. Business of mass communication media (newspaper, radio, television and online news) and motion picture of national language,

8. Management, account, engineering, legal consultancy service and language training, music training, computer training, and

9. Consultancy services having foreign investment of more than fifty-one percent.

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