Industrial Enterprises Act 2076


Estimated reading: 1 minute 58 views

(Relating to clause (e) of subsection 2 of Section 17)

Infrastructure Industries

      1.  Road, bridge, tunnel,
      2. Ropeway, railway, tram, trolley bus, monorail and sliding car,
      3. Runway/airport,
      4. Industrial structure and infrastructure complex,
      5. Assembly conference centre,
      6. Water supply and distribution,
      7. Irrigation infrastructure,
      8. Sports complex, stadium,
      9. Motor vehicle parking, parking house,
      10. Export processing zone,
      11. Special economic zone,
      12. Cargo complex,
      13. Polluted water purification industries (wastewater treatment plant),
      14. Telephone tower, optical fibre network, satellite, satellite broadcasting centre,
      15. Housing and residential building,
      16. Building film city, building film studio,
      17. Business complex,
      18. Private warehouse,
      19. Construction, management and operation infrastructure for installation of pipelines for fuel and gas supply,
      20. Construction, management and operation infrastructure for energy house and energy transmission line.
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