Industrial Enterprises Act 2076


Estimated reading: 1 minute 70 views

(Relating to clause (b) of subsection (1) of Section 17)

Cottage Industries

    1. Handloom, pedal-loom, semi-automatic loom, wrapping, dyeing and printing, tailoring (other than readymade garments) and knitting with traditional technology,
    2. Hand-knitted woollen and silk mats and blankets (Radi, Pakhi), carpets, pashmina, garments, hand-made paper and goods made thereof,
    3. Goods based on traditional skill,
    4. Traditional sculpturing,
    5. Hand-made utensils made from metals such as copper, Pittal, Dhalout, brass and German silver, and handicrafts,
    6. Hand-made utensils and traditional tools of domestic use made from iron, such as knifes, Chulesi, Khukuri, sickle, Kuto, Kodalo,
    7. Hand-made gold or silver ornaments, goods, utensils (precious, semi-precious, and inclusive of those with ordinary stones),
    8. Industries cutting precious, semi-precious and ordinary stones available domestically cutting, rural tanning/hand-made leather goods,
    9. Industries based on natural fibres such as zute, sabia grass, Choya, Babiyo, cotton thread, allo,
    10. Stone arts (stone carved goods),
    11. Paubha, thanka art and other traditional ……chitrakala,
    12. Masks and putali and dolls reflecting traditional culture,
    13. Different kinds of handicraft goods reflecting traditional culture, musical instruments and art,
    14. Wood, bone and horn, clay, rock, and mineral artistic goods, ceramics and clay pots,
    15. Hand-printed brick industries.
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