Chapter-4 Provisions Relating to Industry and Investment Promotion Board

Section 23: Provisions relating to Provincial industry and investment promotion board

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 97 views

1) A Provincial industry and investment promotion board may be constituted under the provincial law to promote investments in industries registered and operated in the Province.

2) The functions, duties and powers of the Provincial Industry and Investment Promotion Boar constituted under sub-section (1) shall be as follows:

(a) to regularly appraise the overall industrial promotion in the Province and make recommendations to the Provincial Government for necessary reforms,

(b) to perform necessary functions to implement policies on industrial pollution control,

(c) to make an overall evaluation and appraisal of the state of industrial development in the Province and make suggestions and recommendations to the Provincial Government to take necessary steps,

(d) to hear grievances of entrepreneurs of industries registered in the Province and resolve, or cause to be resolved, the problems and make guidance to the concerned bodies in this respect,

(e) to carry out, or cause to be carried out, studies, research works, and surveys, as required, in the context of enhancing domestic investment in the industrial sector within the Province,

(f) to do, or cause to be done, any necessary work for building a competitive industrial environment in effective coordination and harmonious collaboration with the public, private and cooperative sectors within the Province,

(g) to make guidance on matters requiring coordination between the Province and Local Level for the development and expansion of industrial enterprises and make necessary provisions for coordination,

(h) to direct the concerned Provincial Ministry to request the Ministry for the removal of any uncertainty, if any, arising in the implementation of any federal law relating to industry,

(i) to coordinate with the Board through the Ministry with respect to services facilities that may be provided by the one-stop service centre,

(j) to perform, or cause to be performed, such other functions as may be necessary with respect to the promotion of industries registered in the Province.

3) The Provincial industry and investment promotion board may make suggestions and recommendations to the Ministry through the concerned Provincial Ministry on such matters as it thinks necessary for industrial and investment promotion in the Province.

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Section 23: Provisions relating to Provincial industry and investment promotion board

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