Audit Act 2075

Section 24: Power of the Auditor General to Give Direction

Estimated reading: 1 minute 45 views

1) The Auditor General may, subject to the Constitution and this Act, give direction to the concerned body, from time to time, to make arrangements on matters of accounts or maintain regularity

2) The Auditor General may, from time to time, give direction to the concerned regulatory body, subject to the Constitution and this Act, on audit-related matters.

3) The Auditor General may, from time to time, give direction to the auditors appointed under this Act to perform an audit of the government offices and corporate bodies as to the matters to be audited, matters to be included in the report and matters set forth in the report.

4) It shall be the duty of such office and concerned official to abide by the direction given by the Auditor General pursuant to this Section.

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Section 24: Power of the Auditor General to Give Direction

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