Chapter- 4 Arbitration Proceedings and Powers of Arbitrators

Section 15: Circumstances in which Arbitration Proceedings shall Terminate or Continue

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Except when otherwise provided for by the parties, arbitration proceedings shall terminate or continue in the following circumstances:

(a) The arbitration proceedings shall terminate in case the claimant does not submit his/her claim within the time limit mentioned in Section 14 (1).

(b) Even if no objection is submitted within the time limit mentioned in Section 14 (2), this alone shall not be taken as the acceptance by the party not submitting its counter-claim to the claim made by the claimant, and the arbitrator shall continue proceedings in such a manner as to evaluate the claimant’s claim and the evidence submitted to substantiate the claim.

(c) The arbitrator may pronounce the verdict on the basis of the evidence that has been submitted or in case any party does not present itself or does not submit any written evidence at the time of hearing prescribed by the arbitrator. Arbitration shall send a copy of the verdict to the party not submitting its objection as well.


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Section 15: Circumstances in which Arbitration Proceedings shall Terminate or Continue

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