Chapter-3 Registration and Issuance of Securities

Section 33: Liability for matters referred to in prospectus

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 83 views

1) The concerned body corporate and the director signing a prospectus and the expert preparing such a prospectus shall be personally and collectively liable for the truth of the details and documents underpinning the information set down in the prospectus submitted to the Board for the purpose of registering securities with the Board and obtaining permission to issue such securities.

2) Where any person who subscribes for any securities on the faith of the matters set down in the prospectus subsequently sustains any loss or damage by the reason that the issues set down in the prospectus have been set down with mala fide intention or untrue or false statements have been included therein knowingly, the body, director or experts preparing the prospectus shall be liable to pay compensation for such loss or damage.

Provided that no director shall be liable to pay such compensation if he or she proves that he or she has resigned prior to making a decision on the matters set down in the prospectus with ulterior motives or knowingly or that he or she did not know that the prospectus was untrue.

3) Where any investor sustains any loss or damage by the reason that the prospectus, information, statements or returns submitted by a body corporate to the Board, such an investor may make a petition to the concerned District Court for compensation within thirty-five days from the date of knowledge within one year after the making of the investment.

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Section 33: Liability for matters referred to in prospectus

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