International Financial Transactions Act 2054

Section 17: Secrecy to be maintained

Estimated reading: 1 minute 51 views

1) The Accreditation Committee shall maintain the secrecy of all documents and information which are related to license-holders entities and are in possession or control of the Accreditation Committee.

2) The Accreditation Committee shall not be compelled to produce any documents or information referred to in Sub-section (1) before any court, commission of inquiry, Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority or committee of inquiry, nor shall it be compelled to leak otherwise the secrecy of such documents or information.

3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (2), if there are sufficient grounds to prove that the documents or information related to the international financial transaction carried out by a license holder entity are connected with illicit narcotic drugs or illegal arms and ammunition, the court may, on the request of the prosecuting authority acting on behalf of Government of Nepal, give an order to have such documents and information produced before it.

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Section 17: Secrecy to be maintained

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