International Financial Transactions Act 2054

Section 10: Functions, Duties and Powers of Promotion Board

Estimated reading: 1 minute 59 views

The Promotion Board shall have the following functions, duties and powers :

(a) To frame necessary policies for the promotion of international financial transactions,

(b) To cooperate with the Government of Nepal in the formulation of necessary laws so as to promote international financial transactions,

(c) To maintain or cause to be maintained coordination among the concerned governmental, non-governmental and international entities in matters of international financial transactions,

(d) To make necessary recommendations to Government of Nepal in respect of exemptions, facilities and concessions to be accorded to international financial entities for the purpose of establishing Nepal as an attractive centre for international financial transactions,

(e) To hear appeals filed by any international financial entity against the suspension or revocation of its license by the Accreditation Committee,

(f) To perform such other functions as may be deemed necessary for promoting international financial transactions.

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Section 10: Functions, Duties and Powers of Promotion Board

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