Insolvency Act, 2063


Estimated reading: 1 minute 199 views

Date of authentication and publication:
4 Mangsir 2063

Amendments to the Prevention of Money Laundering

and Promotion of Business Environment Act, 2080                  2080/12/30


Act number 20 of the year 2063 (2006)
An Act Made to Provide for Insolvency Proceedings

Preamble: Whereas it is expedient to make legal provisions immediately in relation to the administration, insolvency proceedings of companies which are insolvent or going to be insolvent, being unable to pay debts to creditors or are facing financial difficulties, and in relation to the restructuring of such companies;

Now, therefore, be it enacted by the House of Representatives in the First Year of the issuance of the Proclamation of the House of Representatives, 2063.

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